Disclaimer: This information is provided as is. There may be errors in this information. You may use this information only if you agree that Minimalist / Coinop.org, its employees, and noted authors will never be held responsible for any damage, injury, death, mayhem, etc. caused by errors in the information. When working with high voltage, never work alone and always follow safety precautions.

Document Title: [Galaxian wiring pinouts and conversion instructions.html (html file)]

Galaxian wiring pinouts and conversion instructions

Galaxian wiring pinouts and conversion instructions

Submitted by Jonathan Deitch (jdeitch@umiami.miami.edu) and Greg Kam

44 Pin wiring chart for Galaxian

                       SOLDER SIDE  |  PARTS SIDE
                     GND        | A | 1 | GND
                     GND        | B | 2 | GND
                         +5 VDC | C | 3 | +5 VDC
                         +5 VDC | D | 4 | +5 VDC
                                | E | 5 | Coin Slot Return 
                                | F | 6 | 
                                | H | 7 | Coin Slot Send
                    Coin Switch | J | 8 | 
                     Service Switch | K | 9 | Credit Switch
                     Player One | L | 10| Player Two
               Move Left        | M | 11| Move Right
                           Fire | N | 12| 
                                | P | 13| 
                                | R | 14| 
            Video Ground        | S | 15| Input Switch Ground
                      Video Red | T | 16| Video Green
                     Video Blue | U | 17| Video Sync
                        Speaker | V | 18| Speaker
                          + 12V | W | 19| + 12V
                          - 12V | X | 20| - 12V
                            GND | Y | 21| GND
                            GND | Z | 22| GND

This pinout is to be used on a converted Galaxian to
operate on DC voltages.  Conversion instructions follow
the pinout.

   Comp Side         |    Solder Side
      GND        | A | 1 |    GND
      GND        | B | 2 |    GND
     +5 VDC      | C | 3 |   +5 VDC
     +5 VDC      | D | 4 |   +5 VDC
                 | E | 5 |   Coin Slot Return
                 | F | 6 |
                 | H | 7 |   Coin Counter
  Coin Switch 1  | J | 8 |   Coin Switch 2
  Test Switch    | K | 9 |   Credit Switch
  P1 Start       | L | 10|   P2 Start
  P1 Left        | M | 11|   P1 Right
  P1 Fire        | N | 12|   P2 Fire
  P2 Left        | P | 13|   P2 Right
  GND for Table  | R | 14|
  Video GND      | S | 15|   GND
  Video RED      | T | 16|   Video GREEN
  Video BLUE     | U | 17|   Video SYNC
  Speaker (-)    | V | 18|   Speaker (+)
  +12 VDC        | W | 19|   +12 VDC
  +12 VDC        | X | 20|   +12 VDC
     GND         | Y | 21|     GND
     GND         | Z | 22|     GND

Conversion from AC to DC

Short the following components on the board:

U, V, W, Y, Z are NEC 2716s
"886J" is a Fujitsu 8516 (read in as a 2716)
"866L" is a Gen. Instr. 9316 (read in as 2716)

ROM     PB-10 Checksum
